Monday, December 1, 2008

November 8, 2008

Today was such a great year mark present from the Lord! This is the first baptism I've had where I've started teaching someone and saw them get baptized. Nav and Navroop were baptized today. Also, this is the first baptism I've had that no huge obstacles came right before the baptism. The whole process with them has been golden! Also! We had one of our investigators (Fidel) show up at the baptism. He really liked it! I baptized Navroop (the 15-year-old) and Elder McEntire baptized Nav (the 9-year-old). It's such an amazing thing to go through the whole process with them.

After the baptism the branch president took us to subway. Then we went back to the church because later that day the Martinez family was going to have a birthday party at the church for Vanessa. She turned one-year-old. She is the daughter of Pico & Blanca. Pico is the son of Oscar and Mona Martinez. Sorry for that bible style geneology. I've been reading the old testament lately. Ha ha. Anyway, we went to help set up then we went back to their house to help get things and make this really good fruit drink! Oh! Mona also wanted payasos at the party. Payaso means clown. So... she volunteered us to be the clowns! Ha ha! So using make-up and moisturizing cream (don't ask. ha ha!) she painted our faces like payasos! Ha ha! That was pretty fun! Ha ha! It was a fun party! Afterward we cleaned up and went home and there were 2 things in the mailbox. 1 being your letter! And the other was the mission newsletter. And guess who got baptized!!! Lupita Rodriguez from Newton!!! That made me so extremely ecstatic! I knew she would get baptized! So ya! Today was such an amazing day for me! I am so full of Joy! I love being a missionary! . . .

Thursday night we had dinner with Shaun Harris' family. One of the dishes: Frog Legs! From the frogs we killed that Monday! I was a little bit nervous to eat them but I had to try it! and I did. They aren't bad at all! Tastes like Chicken! Ha ha! Would I eat them again? If they were there to eat, ya. But I probably wouldn't request them. It's mostly psychological. Ha ha! I definitely wouldn't cook them myself. They are known to jump out of the pan from the legs spasming! That would get to me! Ha ha! Friday was my year mark! I'm over halfway through! Woot! This last year will go by faster. I didn't do anything special that day. I went on Exchanges with Elder Rico. That wasn't bad. Nothing exciting though. Well, that's about it for my week.

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