Friday, September 18, 2009

September 15, 2009

This last week we went on exchanges with the Assistants to the President. That was a pretty awesome exchange. How it works with them since they are so far away from their own area is that one goes with me and the other goes with my comp and the 4 of us double cover our area for a day. It's great because we get twice as much done! I went with Elder Ale (ah-lay). He is Samoan by decent but from Hawaii. He's a really good missionary with tons of personality! At the end of the exchange Elder Ale had me write "I am... " in my planner and then below it write "1." and below that "2". Then for 1 he had me write "a balanced missionary" and complimented me on my planning because we did a little bit of everything but got a lot done. And for 2 he had me write "Iceman". Haha! I was a little confused at first as well, but let me share his explanation.... He played Basketball at BYU hawaii and there was this guy on his team that everyone called "Iceman". They called him that because whenever he had the ball and going in for a shot, regardless of what was going on around him, he kept his cool and every time he went to shoot it, it was like he was the only one on the court. Nothing distracted him or got him worried. Elder Ale said he noticed that I was always cool, calm, and collected. If something fell through I didn't get upset or frustrated... I just moved onto the next thing with no problem or worry or stress. I really appreciated his comments and compliments.

So we've been visiting a pretty interesting member... Bro Watkins. He's about 50 or 60 years old, ex-marine, and very.... let's say anti-gun-control. Haha! He's kinda crazy and extreme in his ideas. He has tons of weapons of every kind around his house. He would love to see a bloody revolution. Haha! Although his ideas are very... different. He's a good and caring guy with a great testimony of the gospel. His views make sense to me in a very limited sense. I don't know why I'm telling you about him. There's no real significant reason... I just kinda like Bro. Watkins. Haha!

My spanish is improving so much! I love it! I love being able to actually communicate somewhat! Haha! I'm still far from fluent, but I'm still getting better!

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